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Understanding Space Sustainability Practices: Handbook for New Actors in Space

Workshop Topic

How can the space community ensure space sustainability without disadvantaging new actors such as small satellite operators and other associated stakeholders? In 2017, Secure Word Foundation released the first edition of the Handbook for New Actors in Space. This guidebook was intended to provide nations, established satellite operators, start-up companies, universities, and other space actors with a broad overview of the fundamental principles, laws, norms, and best practices for peaceful, safe, and responsible activities in space. Since then, the space domain continued to see a rapid diversification and increase in the number of actors involved in space activities. In light of new developments, Secure World Foundation has researched and published (October 2024) the 2nd edition of the Handbook for New Actors in Space. Using this Handbook as a basis for discussions, this workshop will present relevant research into developments in space sustainability considerations such as the availability of space situational awareness data, developing norms of behavior and best practices, and launch best practices. Specific focus will be paid to how small satellites can engage in best practice behaviors for space sustainability as well as other developments in the environment, technology, and policy that can affect future system decisions. Participants will receive a physical copy of the Handbook.
Workshop Outline
The increased availability of space technology and capabilities has both advantages and disadvantages. It has spurred innovation, lowering of costs, and greater access to capabilities and services available from satellites for all. However, the growth in space activities and the influx of new actors also has the potential to exacerbate many of the current threats to the long-term sustainable use of space, such as on-orbit crowding, radio-frequency interference, the proliferation of space debris, and the chances of an incident in space sparking or escalating geopolitical tensions on Earth. Access to space now and even more so, in the future, will be affected by these challenges. This new edition of Secure World Foundation’s Handbook for New Actors in Space focuses on showcasing industry trends, evolving policies, and new challenges to space sustainability. New research areas include the effects of anti-satellite testing on low Earth orbit and global governance attempts to address this threat, expansion of commercial cislunar and lunar activities, and the advancement of non-traditional technologies such as active debris removal and on-orbit servicing. Global efforts are underway to address space sustainability challenges including a number of industry working groups for standards and best practices, technical certification initiatives, and changes and expansion of the mandates of international governance institutions such as the United Nations Committee on the peaceful Uses of Outer Space and the International Telecommunications Union. Small satellite operators have a role to play in these efforts, and this workshop will highlight pathways for engagement, regulatory considerations, and operational best practices. The workshop will be split into three sections of 30 minutes each covering the international framework for space activities, national space policy and administration, and responsible operations in space respectively. Each section will begin with a ten-minute lecture by a prominent expert on that topic followed by a structured discussion for participants. The workshop is intended for those new to the industry or for those for whom the topics of policy, regulation, and law are less familiar. They will walk away with a better understanding of the common issues and challenges regarding space sustainability as well as knowledge about resources available for further research and support. Participants will also receive a physical copy of the Handbook.

Date: May 28, 2025 Time: 4:00 pm - 4:55 pm