KSAT – Kongsberg Satellite Services is the leading provider of Ground Network and Earth Observation Services. We connect Space and Earth from Leo and beyond. KSAT owns and operates a global, integrated Ground Station Network combining the unique polar location with a vast and rapidly expanding mid-latitude stations.
The network consists of more than 300+ antennas located at 28 sites worldwide. KSAT offers reliable space to ground communications delivered from the global ground station network with full mission life-cycle support from testing, through launch, critical operations, and routine operations. By combining our Satellite operation services with our Ground Station services, this is your one-stop solution for all ground operations.
KSATlite is our cost-efficient and standardized service, providing reliable and secure on-demand access to a network designed for small satellites and easy constellation management. The flexible software defined ground radio network allows us to support all the major standards for satellites and launch vehicle communications.
WEBSITE: http://www.ksat.no
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kongsberg-satellite-services
Event Contacts
Name | Pål Røsjø | Thomas Norhadian |
Title | Sales Director, Ground Network | Sales Manager, Ground Network |
pal.rosjo@ksat.no | thomasn@ksat.no | |
Tel | +4777600250 | +4777600250 |
Cell | +4791372733 | +46709629536 |