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Booth 426

Arkadia Space specializes in hydrogen peroxide-based propulsion systems, offering both monopropellant and bipropellant thrusters. Our technological capabilities include the design, testing, and manufacturing of high-performance thrusters that are both cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Our Test Center at Castellón Airport is equipped with two test benches, a mission control room, a chemical lab, and a workshop. This facility supports rapid prototyping and rigorous testing, ensuring our products meet the highest standards of performance and safety.

WEBSITE: http://www.arkadiaspace.com

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/arkadiaspace/

Event Contacts

Name Adelina Balan Francho Garcia
Title Marketing & Communication Manager CEO
Email adelina.balan@arkadiaspace.com francho.garcia@arkadiaspace.com
Tel +34 864885352 +34 864885352
Cell +34 642373321 +34 638565233